Welcome to Aspen Oracle Grove

A network of sensitive, soulful and creative people living to be down to earth and free. #RootsFly

Hello and Welcome!

This private online forum is to connect, celebrate and share information with other members of Aspen Oracle Grove. 

Our Manifesto:

As Divine individuals, we're inspired by the Earth and Cosmos as a model for our own growth. For it is the Earth, with its seasons of change, that shows us how to be at peace with the creativity of our Human Souls. When we embrace the wild nature that dances in our hearts, we find that there is nothing to fear. Instead we find a celebration of life as we open our eyes to the view.

In our Aspen Oracle Grove community and forum:

  • We're listening to our intuition and living our inspiration.
  • We're dedicated to work-life-world balance. 
  • We get woo-woo with it, sharing wisdom and clear reflection.
  • We hold each other as creative resourceful and whole.

Specific examples of what happens here which are subject to change for the better, organic growth, evolution and inspired frequency:

    Add a photo, description and, if you have one, a website to your profile for other members to learn about you. We "SEE" you as Spirit and hold each other as creative resourceful and whole.
    Browse other member profiles to see who reflects you back to you, bringing a smile to your heart, and feel free to reach out by commenting on something they've posted or private message.
    You're welcome to ask for and receive support from other members as is for the highest good of all. Members always have the right to fulfill a request or not. Asks might include feedback on a creative project, requests for trades, promoting a service offering you have, etc.
    Check-In, go deeper within and learn more about yourself by participating in Topic Posts/Threads that serve your highest good. Examples topics are Oracle Card Picks, Guided Meditation, Introspective Questions, etc..
    Create posts to share something beneficial with other members such as a Guided Meditation, Oracle Card Pick, a members only event that you'd like to host. This is our playground and the sky is the limit!

The space is set with blessings of the Supreme Being, the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine to benefit each of us in our: 
Vitality, Creativity, Respect, Affinity, Clear Communication, Neutrality, Enthusiasm, Amusement, Understanding, Validation of Truth, Permission, Divinity.

Aspen Oracle Grove is right for you if... 

You are a change agent creative who is stirring the pot and brewing magic for the greater good. At times you may feel rebellious, like you just want it to be easier, and you’d rather escape to a secluded monastery or pristine island. If you feel stuck in the status quo yet have a passion for being the change, you are a bridge soul here to restore balance on the planet. Whether you fly your woo-woo flag high or keep it more to yourself, you may experience a roller coaster of highs, numbness and lows on any given day.

Facing the challenges can indeed be easier (and even more fun!). Being an active member of Aspen Oracle Grove helps you, on a soul level, to navigate the full spectrum of your life experiences. By loving your whole self and finding peace with your journey, you live your Divine Design. Being a full expression of yourself promotes health and harmony on Earth and beyond.

Any questions? Contact [email protected].